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(Continued from page 4) their investors. All that options have become are lottery tickets like people buy at their local bodega! It’s enough already – ESPECIALLY THOSE REDICULOUS “WEEKLY’S” _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 06/08/2014 08:30 am EST BTW Please reread the below rant on “The Spring Purge Syndrome” and you will totally understand when I say: “I friggen’ told you so!” _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 04/26/2014 11:30 am EST The Spring Purge Syndrome It’s a beautiful spring day is New York City and I really want to get outside and go skating, so there really isn’t time or desire to write 6 pages of dribble like Dennis Gartman or 76 PowerPoint pages of manipulated hate-mongering like Bill Ackman; but I do want to spend a few minutes on expressing my total disgust and aggravation with this year’s YEARLY Spring Purge! I can’t be the only one who sees this? I know I’m not! Every April and then into May we allow a few life-sucking hedgies, narcissistic option traders from CNBC, and #HFT Fear algo’s to scare the living crap out of us with some sort of world ending Armageddon crisis in combination with a faltering economy heading towards recession. EVERY FRIGGEN’ YEAR! Stocks get sold off and flushed like used toilet paper, and mini Flashes occur all day long – day after day. It’s just totally unwarranted and sickening. How the hell does this create jobs and Middle Class—any friggen’ class—prosperity??? IT DOESN’T!!!!!!!!!!! But the thing that pisses me off the most is that this year the Ukraine coup will get resolved and WW3 will not happen, 1st quarter earnings are coming in 68% positive, and the economic #’s & stats have been improving since the Polar Vortex threw a pall over the entire Nation & the entire World. I have only 1 thing to say to us all: “It’s The Mentality Stupid” Political Note (even though I hate making them): Why does it seem that every time Obama’s poll #’s go lower or that he is having some sort of domestic issue, do we have some sort of upheaval in a foreign country under the guise of political freedom & democracy? Have we truly taken Rhomn Emanuel’s domestic policy of “Let no good crisis go wasted.” and exported it to foreign, sovereign Nations? And have we carried it 1 step further and if there is no crisis we’ll make sure there is one by creating the unrest?
_______________________________________ apppro’s take for 04/08/2014 09:30 am EST Time for this OLD fart to retire! Hey you old ass, get some Depends and leave the rest of us alone. You caused a lot of #HFT damage. 'Scared' Dennis Gartman: Get out of stocks Michael Newberg | @MikeNewberg 14 Hours Ago In a reversal of his more bullish take on U.S. equities in recent weeks, Dennis Gartman said Monday that he's getting out of equities and sticking with cash and gold to ride out the recent pullback, which he called a "long-awaited and much-needed correction." On CNBC's "Fast Money" on Monday, the editor of the Gartman Letter said simply, "I got scared." - - - - - - - - - - Point missed here by most is that Gartman got the trots on Friday at around 11:00am by his own admission. He screamed fire/sell and then went to his own account to short the S&P. Now Monday morning he probably sent out his letter to his select groupies, BUT waits for Monday at 5:00PM to scream it to everyone else. Come on—front running his NEW short positions while most still think he’s LONG!? Maybe not illegal, but certainly morally bankrupt! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 03/30/2014 04:30 pm EST What the hell are we doing? Options Action: Trade that spooked the market Trade that spooked the market. What the hell are we doing people? This was SO BAD that while it was actually happening and everyone on TV had their eyes glazed over and their mouths wide open in amazement, I made seceral Tweets commulating with: “Now I'm scared. @jimcramer actually totally agreed with ME when I said Obama's UNWARRANTED war talk caused 1:00 crash” All of this must come to an end or we all will! _______________________________________ SEC official: What's hurting the 'little guy' - #HFT Jeff Morganteen | @jmorganteen 2 Hours Ago
“Dan Gallagher, SEC commissioner, shares his thoughts on shareholder activism and regulatory reforms. Also Gallegher weighs in on high frequency trading and why the perception that it's not fair to "the little guy" is a "reality" that needs to be addressed. SEC Commissioner Dan Gallagher said Friday he believes the perception that high-frequency trading hurts the "little guy" has become reality.” _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 03/15/2014 08:30 am EST The Year of the ‘Whistle-blowhard’ & continuing FinReg HORROR! Have you seen the new Ponzi lawsuit against JPMorgan? JPMorgan accused of aiding yet another Ponzi scheme
Firstly, this was another WAMU legacy scheme that went into receivership in 2008 by the infamous FDIC. So, we immediately have to ask: · Why the hell didn’t the FDIC see this fraud when they went thru WAMU’s books? · We also need to ask why NO one at WAMU ever reported the scheme? · This was a Canadian customer, so why didn’t any Canadian authorities or the SEC or bank regulators or or or… see this scheme? · Let’s also remember that JPM was nicely (forcefully) asked to buy WAMU to help prevent a catastrophe in 2008. There was NO time to vent the books or see what was “under the hood”; JPM was just trying to help this ungrateful Nation! Also, try to remember what was happening at this time. Bear Stearns had already failed. > Lehman’s was failing. > Everyone was calling for the World to end. > Basically we were ALL in chaos mode. JPM took over WAMU in late 2008 right in the middle of all this insanity. Any reasonable person MUST assume JPM was more concerned about saving WAMU’s depositors and getting this integrated. Who knew that Shelia Bair’s horror of an FDIC had sold them a Ponzi scheme!!!! So what happened, a few months later in 2009 someone at JPM “says” he saw the fraud but really did NOTHING about it! Didn’t report it, didn’t issue a SAR, and basically just helped the Ponzi scheme along. Then obviously someone else called him on it or it became so obvious that JPM shut the account down. NOW this same conniving jerk took a few classes in “Whistleblower 201” (see prior post) and now wants his 25% in extortion money. This is an outrage and another flaw of Obama’s (Warren’s) continuing bank hate thru the horror of FinReg! These people want to sue someone? Then go sue Shelia Bair and her ex-horror of an FDIC! REPEAL FinReg & The Whistleblower Law now—the true job & growth killers! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 03/08/2014 08:30 am EST “WhistleBlowHard” is latest total disgrace that goes full circle with “Robo-schmobo”! JPMorgan whistleblower gets $63.9 million in mortgage fraud deal (Reuters) - “A whistleblower will be paid $63.9 million for providing tips that led to JPMorgan Chase & Co's agreement to pay $614 million and tighten oversight to resolve charges that it defrauded the government into insuring flawed home loans.” Besides from the fact that those mortgages were from Bear Stearns and WAMU that JPMorgan bought at the urging (Continued on page 6) |