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(Continued on page 2) But he said Bank of America's purchase of Countrywide is different because it wasn't done at the request of the Bush administration. Rep. Frank, the top Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, is retiring at the end of 2012. Write to Steve Goldstein at ______________________________________________ apppro’s take for 01/17/2016 11:00 am EST Listen to Cooperman Issues are because of “market structures” (3/4 way thru video)!
Basically he’s calling for the 7 Golden Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Note: If you can’t read above, the 7 Golden Rules are listed on the left side of page. _________________________________________ apppro’s take for 09/03/2015 07:00 am EST Yeah Dan “Don't panic on volatility” just STOP THE VOLATILITY! Sorry Dan—can’t agree with you on this one. The insanity over the past 2 weeks is NOT good for anyone, except a few SHORT-term pajama traders that is! And yeah Dan, maybe we should throw some media hysterics and short sellers in jail like China. But, you sure did vindicate me on the insanity of the Volcker Rule (Towards end of interview.) Don't panic on volatility: SEC's Gallagher Maybe if we implemented MY Golden Rules we wouldn’t have any of those 1000 point opening bell or 500 point closing bell insanities! Note: 7 Golden Rules are listed to the left if you cant read the picture. _________________________________________ apppro’s take for 08/27/2015 07:00 am EST REPEAL VOLCKER – Now experts chime in too! Look, I said it last week again; see my post below from 08/22/2015! The Volcker Rule is causing this volatility and selling from commodities to oil to now stocks! Maybe NOW with some so experts saying the exact same thing - people will listen! Big banks... where's the money coming from? Dick Bove Time to get rate hike off the table: Dick Kovacevich (Note: Dick said it at the end of interview but CNBC cut it off! Maybe they will put complete up later.) _________________________________________ apppro’s take for 08/22/2015 11:00 am EST Screw China, oil, Greece, currencies, & even the Fed – this is ALL due to The Volcker Rule! We can blame whomever or whatever we want, BUT there is NO coincidence that the majority of the volatility and angst that culminated in Friday’s major sell off was ALL due to the Volcker Rule. On July 22, 2015 that disgrace and hatred that was born in a woman’s difficult childhood, finally manifested itself in The Rule. The Volcker Rule takes effect today after years of delays July 22, 2015, 8:22 AM EDT Banks could no longer trade in almost anything. Basically all their liquidity and funds that are tied up in moronic SIFI regulations now officially could not be used to support markets from stocks to oil to currencies to everything. No longer could we (and that includes the Chinese markets that are collapsing) depend on sanity from big banks to try to stabilize anything. ALL we have been left with is the greed and insanity of psychotic hedge funds that could care less about anything but their nano second greed! Some have argued to no avail that the Rule would and did hurt the bond market Did the Volcker rule really harm the bond market?, BUT in reality yesterday’s 550 point crash was a direct result from the Rule and its’ lack of a stable source of liquidity and stable trading. I could go on and on about this BUT what’s the sense. Morons in the media want to look for some mystic macro reason. Ratings are a strong incentive for stupidity and hedge fund ass kissing! _________________________________________ apppro’s take for 01/21/2015 09:00 am EST Larry Fink ENDORSES MY StIN Tax Plan!! BlackRock CEO: Changing the tax narrative 1 Hour Ago Larry Fink, BlackRock chairman & CEO, shares his thoughts on implementing tax reform.
About damn time this country wakes up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Main Principle: “It’s NOT how much you make, BUT rather how LONG it took you to make it!” STOP the INSANITY NOW! - #StIN Revised Tax Rules: 1. Capital gains 5+ years* - 5% tax on capital gains 2. Capital gains 2 > 5 years* ** - 15% tax on capital gain 3. Capital gains 1 > 2 years* - 35% tax on capital gains 4. Capital gains 6 > 12 months - 45% tax on capital gains 5. Capital gains under <6 months - 55% tax on capital gains 6. Most critical of all — Institute a capital gains tax of 65% on ALL short sales not directly tied to a long buy by a regulated hedge fund. *Quasi Buffett Rule > Anyone whose main source of ‘income’ (retired persons excluded) that comes directly from capital gains, should be taxed at never less than the 1>2 year 35% rate—no matter what the cg term length. ** Dividends are taxed at this level—15%. _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 12/13/2014 09:00 am EST And so it begins! “Oilacus” Enterprise Halts Plan for Bakken Oil Pipeline as Prices Collapse By Robert Tuttle and Lynn Doan Dec 12, 2014 5:32 PM ET This is the result of the speculator and hedge fund manipulated collapse in oil. YES, don't blame OPEC anymore for this oil crash disgrace. Now we get LOST JOBS and LOST INVESTMENT from that stupid supposed oil "Tax Cut"! “Tax Cut”? Yes you morons, you don't pay taxes on NO WAGES! Let’s wake up people! There is no way that a few extra dollars in the consumers’ pockets, so they can go out and buy a few more Slurpee’s & Slim Jims at checkout; will ever compensate for the LOST oil investments - Oil News: $150 Billion in Oil Projects are at Risk Due to Plunging Oil Prices - and subsequent lost jobs AND lost tax revenues! This so-called “Tax Cut” is just a SHORT term illusion and the LONG term NEGATIVE effects of this “Fast & Furious” speculator/hedge fund oil crash “Oilacus” will be felt for years, if not decades to follow. AND let’s also wake up people to the reality that most if not all of the last $20 decline in WTI prices is NOT OPEC, but speculators and hedge funds right here in the United States. “Domestic Terrorism” at its worst! OK, maybe Saudi Arabia got pissed that Russia and few others wouldn’t help cut back on production, and who can blame them! Why should the Saudi’s be the ONLY ones to lose money? EVERYONE should have just come to a modest agreement and we wouldn’t have been at this point. BUT make no mistake about it, any decline after $75 in WTI has NOTHING to do with Saudi’s BUT everything to do with our broken #rigged markets! What we have done is just replace the 2008 short seller housing schemes of 2008 like Abacus with "Oilacus" schemes fermented by people like Dennis Gartman! Last time I looked he wasn’t a Saudi! (Maybe a traitor & terrorist, but not a foreign one.) What makes this entire matter worse is that U.S. producers are NOT allowed to coordinate or even talk to each other, so as they might establish a reasonable output level that would make sense for everyone. Instead we have a ‘free for all’ and in this New World – well that just won’t work. Price limits MUST be set so that production and exploration at a profit can proceed at a stable and LONG term rate, while the consumer can also benefit from ‘Energy Independence’ and LONG term sustainable and reasonable prices! Do I hear $75 to $85 on WTI??? Let’s face it people, that since the 2009 crash the country has been coming back from a severe confidence driven recession because of consistent WTI oil at $100+, NOT in spite of! Also, try to remember that the ONLY people who are benefiting from this “Oilacus” are the same SHORTS who benefited by the 2008 housing & mortgage crash! SHAMEFUL! We all should be ashamed of ourselves, but our regulators and politicians are too friggen busy trying to figure out ways to blow up our banking system and not ways to maintain LONG term growth & prosperity _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 12/12/2014 09:00 am EST Oil is NOW a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY NOW we get the reverse of that disgraceful August 5th bet Options Action: Huge BULLISH bet on XOP Thu, 11 Dec '14 | 5:45 PM ET
This has ALL now has become an issue of National Security and jobs! This manipulated oil crash ONLY makes OPEC stronger and U.S. producers weaker. BUT don’t blame OPEC or even Russia, because morons like Jim Cramer keeps pushing short sellers and hedge funds supply & demand BS! Like many other issues – Cramer and CNBC cause more problems than the issues themselves. Congress should have hearings on this garbage! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 11/02/2014 08:00 am EST Nobody is this Smart or even this Lucky! Options Action: Crude warning? Tuesday, 5 Aug 2014 | 5:55 PM ET A bearish bet on oil and gas, with CNBC contributor Dan Nathan. Oh, please – no way anyone can get the above “bet” SO RIGHT! (Continued on page 4) |