The Stock Room page 20 |
(Continued from page 19) Obama raising taxes on RETIREES! I said this would happen! Obama’s view of ‘fair share’ now seems to be making sure that people who are retired and live off of dividends and other equity investments WILL PAY MORE! Jeffrey Zients, Office of Management and Budget
“The Nation of Bash & Blame!” now wants its pound of flesh from retirees too I guess! BTW, this guy mentions that capital gains would stay at the 20% level. HEY, isn’t LONG-term capital gains right now 15%? I guess Obama wants to figure the Bush tax cuts truly dead; and our economy too boot! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 02/04/12 @11:00 am EST VINDICATION! SEC FINALLY goes after the TRUE cause of the FINANCIAL MESS—NAKED SHORT SELLING!
It’s ABOUT DAMN TIME, TOO! Now if ONLY they would go after those short hedgies from 2007/08 that said in front of Congress that, “We don’t need no sticken’ bailout, because we caused the mess to begin with!” Hedge Funds on the Hill: Live-Blogging the Hearings - Deal Journal - WSJ 11/13/2008
If the SEC would also go after “Mark-to-Market” and FASB, we just might get a final resolution to the past 5 years; but you can’t prosecute a stupid accounting rule, OR can you? _______________________________________
apppro’s take for 02/04/12 @09:00 am EST “The Nation of Bash & Blame!” Really have nothing to add to the below headlines. As if the extortion over ‘robo-schmobo’ stupidity wasn’t enough! New York Suing 3 Banks Over Mortgage Database -
New York sues banks over electronic mortgage system - Yahoo! Finance
Class Action Against Goldman Can Proceed, Judge Rules -
california mortgage lawsuits - Yahoo! Search Results I truly can’t wait for those 99% losers to come up to everyone’s home and say, “Hey, see this piece of paper? Those lawyers from Washington said that WE actually own your home – NOT YOU!” Meanwhile, have any of you seen this? Senate Passes Insider-Trading Ban - Maybe my complaining does pay off! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 01/27/12 @05:00 pm EST Remember the McCarthy Hearings?
All this is going to do is create more volatility, uncertainty, and angst. Just like many other recent high-profile accusations and innuendos… all this additional lawyers’ rumormongering will do is to bring out scum-sucking whistleblowers looking for their ’15-minutes’! What is wrong with all of us? I am especially ashamed and disgusted over my home State’s AG from New York! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 01/26/12 @05:00 pm EST Is Insider Trading on Capitol Hill being Finally banned? Wow, could Senator Scott Brown Harry Reid set to move on STOCK Act I didn’t read anything in the article about making sure staffers and those ‘Investigative Hedge Funds’ are INCLUDED in this ban. They are the REAL ISSUE! I hate it that the headline is giving Harry Reid the free press. I don’t live in Massachusetts, BUT I sure want Senator Brown to win his reelection against that horrid Mistress Elizabeth _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 01/21/12 @08:30 am EST The Demise of ‘robo-schmobo’? Boy do I hope so! This truly awful excuse to promote Obama’s hatred of the banks—”The Man”— and his vendetta to extort the last ounce of blood from them… must come to an end! I will not rehash the stupidity of this SOP and how Mistress Elizabeth through certain media fanatics (Olick) have pushed their biased view of the housing & mortgage markets. It has been 6 years since this mess started and as I said 6 years ago, the only thing that will fix our housing issue is TIME & a normalized banking system. Both seem to being allowed to now happen! (Keyword here is ALLOWED!) Now all we need to do is take out some of those media talking heads that have no real idea of what reality and business is. If you measure a level of increase in housing and consumer confidence by the Homebuilders ETF XHB, you may see that after that true insanity of this past August… we maybe finally back on track to normalcy. Yeah, I know there are still many issues out there; but the main word here for all of them is still CONFIDENCE and that seems to be finally returning. However, there is still a portion of the media intent on following the naysayers and shorts on the road to Armageddon. Come on Comcast – your people are some of the worst – yank these jerks off the damn air already! My biggest issue on housing is with the Oh’lick (Yes I know that’s not how you spell it!) At least yesterday the housing anal_yst that called the housing bubble back when… politely told Oh’lick to stick it!
You go woman! AND CNBS & the SEC & the FCC & the NYSE – you better NOT let that new Squawk set to be actually used on the floor of the exchange. There is enough crapolla being spewed by these talking heads from their balcony perches! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 01/18/12 @08:30 am EST The bane of 15% tax rates! Over the past few days we have now been bombarded by how much by percentage % one of the candidates has been paying in personal taxes. By his own off the cuff admission that rate was around 15%. Of course the media and jealous others have been screaming bloody murder. Whatever, but the 15% is NOT the issue. The REAL issue is and should be what did he pay the 15% on? Let’s understand something; there are many of us out there that are RETIRED. We live on our savings and investments. For many of us those dollars are in savings bonds or stock dividends or stock equity itself or even our house. When we sell some of these we pay 15%. RETIRED people that have NO future source of additional INCOME cannot really afford to pay more than that 15%. Even that is too much! I think most everyone out there sees this point. So what about this candidate, not mentioning names. He claimed to pay 15% MAINLY because his income comes from dividends and stock sales for companies he no longer works for – hence RETIRED. The candidate also said he earned $374,000 in ‘speaker fees’, but made no mention of what tax rate there. So, forgetting about the amount and staying at the % determinant what do we have here: A quasi retired person who makes some additional income and pays 15% capital gains on most. Sounds like most of us retired people out there – doesn’t it? I’m sure the additional income was taxed at normal tax rates - otherwise the IRS would be all over this guy. SO WHAT DID HE DO WORNG? In my opinion NOTHING! This person HAS been paying his FAIR SHARE in PERCENTAGE PROPORTIONS, and just because YOU think he should pay more anyway – well then you are at fault… NOT HIM! HOWEVER, and this is a VERY BIG HOWEVER – people who are still working and collecting income in stock or dividends directly tied to that work – SHOULD PAY MORE… A WHOLE LOT MORE! My #SiTN plan calls for just that! *Anyone whose main source of ‘income’ (retired persons excluded) that comes directly from capital gains, should be taxed at never less than the 1>2 year 35% rate—no matter what the cg term length. Let’s not condemn those that have, but condemn those that are still getting! Actually, let’s stop the condemning altogether… PLEASE! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 01/15/12 @08:30 am EST The Warren Manifesto – A Primer for Forced Redistribution? I have read this quote from Mistress Elizabeth now over 10 times and I still keep coming up with the same horrible image. What is wrong with this woman? I thought she graduated from Harvard and not Tolstoy U.
“There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there, good for you. But, I want to be clear: you moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory and hire someone to protect against this because of the work the rest of us did. Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea. God bless. Keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.” Her own boss (Actually I think the other way around.) ONLY calls for ‘change’, this woman seems to be calling for: ‘FORCED REDISTRIBUTION’! OK, I’ve written time and time again that even ‘trickle down economics’ really has become ‘piss all over everyone else economics’, but that is no reason to FORCE upon everyone a system of economics that seems to resemble a liberal lawyers dream of 1920’s Russia. If this woman is so intent on redistributing wealth to the so-called little people (And I am greatly offended by her premise, anyway!), then why the heck isn’t she asking: Lady Gaga to redistribute some of her millions, because without her fans she would have nothing. Or Lebron James to redistribute some of his millions, because without his fans he would have nothing. Or President Clinton to redistribute some of his millions, because without his voters/fans he would have nothing. Or Or Or (Continued on page 21) |