The Stock Room page 26 |
(Continued from page 25) _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 10/10/2011 @05:00 pm EST: Steve Forbes on Housing – Right On! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 10/10/2011 @07:00 am EST: Morning News (stupidity) Brief: Zucchini Park & Tahrir Square
I thought that this Zucchini Park whatever was supposed to be NON Political?
And how is that Tahrir Square and ‘Arab Spring’ whatever working out for you now? _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 10/09/2011 @06:00 pm EST: Tit for Tat! Just more BS! Nancy Pelosi Backs Occupy Wall Street Message, Tells Eric Cantor To Shove It PELOSI: "I didn't hear him say anything when the Tea Party was out demonstrating, actually spitting on members of Congress right here in the Capitol. And he and his colleagues were putting signs in the windows encouraging them. But let's not get down to that." So in other words Nancy: Two wrongs DO make a right? I will say that Blame is still blame and the reasons why we are in this mess have been gone over ad nausea. OK, no one has truly understood how the shorts abused mark-to-market and naked shorted us ALL into the toilet; but this protest in Zucchini Park is thoroughly clueless to this and will never understand the true reasons. With that said, to now have our moronic political leaders trying to claim dominance over this situation is a National disgrace. We should be getting more out of the people that are supposedly looking out for our COLLECTIVE interests. Yeah Right! This has turned into a media circus and is causing nothing but more hysteria and wasted time. I’m sorry people, this is NOT HELPING! Some say that this reminds them of the 1960’s. BULLSHIT! I was there and there were reasons back then for sit-ins. Blame and frustration and jealousy are NOT justifications for making things more unstable. This is why we have elections and not Zucchini (Tahrir) Park. In the 2012 elections vote for: _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 10/09/2011 @09:30 am EST: Fees on HFT Trading??? “Fees? We don’t need no sticken’ fees!” High-Frequency Stock Trading Catches Regulators’ Eyes - As if “It’s the Mentality Stupid!” and just putting some trading fees on a few computers and their MIT enablers won’t stop the short-term gambling. Exactly how would that stop all those 5 minute option traders/traitors who are gambling our collective prosperity away? Don’t get me wrong, you all know I hate HFT traders/traitors, but you can’t really blame SkyNet for doing the bidding of its short-term minded programmers. SkyNet has not achieved A.I. as of yet… I think? I hope! HFT is just a symptom of the disease and we must attack the disease at the root cause. I don’t want to cut off the limb, just make sure that the limb pays for it. We must stop all the gambling BUT STILL PROMOTE LONG-term investing and growth. Bitching about or trying to destroy the very institutions that create growth and jobs is NOT the answer. Having a leader that promotes social unrest and discontent is even just more insanity and stupidity! STOP THE INSANITY NOW! The 5 Golden Rules In the 2012 elections vote for: Side note: This morning they had one of those protestors complaining about new bank fees while at the same time saying he wants companies out of government. WAIT a second—that’s how Wal-Mart convinced Durbin to force the banks to raise those fees. Idiots! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 10/08/2011 @09:30 am EST: The President’s new Job Plan? I guess as an ex community organizer and the man who reorganized General Motors and the person responsible for our solar panel industry through Solyndra, maybe we could have him organize those protestors in Zuccotti Park into some kind of human organization with reasonable ethics. I wonder if he would shout to have this passed 17 times. Who’s paying for all this anyway? Occupy Wall Street costing taxpayers $2 million in police overtime - and counting - NYPD says
Besides, if the ‘protestors’ want to close down Wall St., than how would their divine inspiration be able to tax Wall St. in order to pay for all the overtime and damage being done?
In the 2012 elections vote for: _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 10/07/2011 @07:30 am EST: Brown vs. Warren Scott Brown: 'Thank God' Elizabeth Warren didn't pose nude - Maybe so Scott, but you have it all wrong. A Dom like Mistress Elizabeth would NEVER take her clothes off for her subs. Just not what she would do – you’re not worthy to see her! But then again even if she would, who would you rather look at in the buff? OR WHOOPS! Wrong Elizabeth… Sorry! Again, would someone please tell me what she is saying is so damn tiny! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 10/06/2011 @01:30 pm EST: Obama: US banks need transparency in fees | Reuters
I’m assuming he means that we should get the same transparency as we got from the White House concerning our collective 1/2 BILLION $ LOSS from Solyndra. Then again, we all know what happens when you assume. Talk about chutzpa!
No… no… and NO!
We would all be better off listening to this interview from this morning.
"What Bank of America is doing is just charging for their costs," Rep. Spencer Bachus, (R-AL), tells CNBC. _______________________________________ A man that truly took a bit out of the apple. RIP (Continued on page 27) |