The Stock Room page 29 |
(Continued from page 28) You may have been reading about some “Make love not war!” Dating myself, aren’t I! Those Wall St. protestors have a good cause – BUT for all the wrong reasons and definitely with all the wrong cures! They would be far better off protesting the SHORT-term trader/traitor mentality that has engulfed our markets and economy; and produces charts like this: Dow Jones Industrial Average Index Chart YTD - Yahoo! Economies like ours do NOT fall off a cliff in 30 days… that is unless it is pushed! Go protest scum buckets like “This is the dawn of the Age of Aquarius…” and all we got was Obama’s “Arab Spring” which is only going to lead to our collective “Nuclear Winter”! · STOP THE INSANITY NOW! · The 5 Golden Rules And in the 2012 elections vote for: _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 09/09/2011 @08:30 am EST: “Yes Erin… something does stink!”
The Prez gave his speech last night, and well… “I TOLD YOU SO!” there, too. I really wanted only one small thing: For the President to give his mea culpa, and admit that all his bank and business bashing has caused this mess to continue… if not get worse; and that he was NOW going to stop it! Simple and easy, but wishful thinking! All I got was really more of the same, and said 17 times. “You should pass this bill right away!” x17! Hey Mr. Prez how about saying this 17 times: “I am sorry, I was wrong, and I won’t do it again!” (Sorry, but I can’t seem to find link to this movie quote!) How’s this for job creation! Report: Bank of America job cuts may hit 40,000 - Boston Business Journal Let’s sue them some more or accuse them of some other bs! Now that’s a plan! How about if we repeat 17 times my ideas from yesterday that cost nothing and especially scream: · STOP THE INSANITY NOW! · The 5 Golden Rules And in the 2012 elections vote for: _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 09/08/2011 @07:30 am EST: “Not a snowball’s chance in... !” Did That has ANY chance of happening or are we just *issing into the wind again? My ideas will work, not more campaign rhetoric. To create stimulus & jobs without increasing the deficit: “Operation Direct Deposit” · Federal Reserve should SELL some ‘bloated Treasury’s’ and BUY State and local infrastructure bonds at a 2 for 1 to private sector ratio. · Treasury should sell some ‘useless gold’ and do the same. Restore some confidence & stop divisiveness: · Terminate all parts of FinReg and Obamacare that have not already been put into effect. What has been done is done, and the balance needs to be reworked or eliminated. Fix housing: · Have ALL banks contribute to a (blackmail) fund of $20 to $30 billion – maybe base it on a % of TARP money’s they got – and this fund would be used to refinance, modify, whatever delinquent homeowners. AND ALL BANKS GET IMMUNITY FROM ANY AND ALL FURTHER CLAIMS OF ANY KIND! The insanity MUST END NOW! Fix Europe: · IMF & ECB does a force guarantee thru maturity of ALL government bonds at a 3.5% interest rate. This guarantee can be sold off to private companies once established. Most of all: · STOP THE INSANITY NOW! · The 5 Golden Rules And after all that social security is a Ponzi scheme talk last night, in the 2012 elections we all really need to vote for: _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 09/06/2011 @07:00 am EST: “The Basel Affect”
Let me see if I got this right. European banks have been forced over the years to buy sovereign debt & bonds. These bonds were NEVER sheltered from mark-to-market insanity, so as shorts destroyed the various Greek, Italian, Irish, etc. bonds the banks keep losing Tier 1 capital values. Quote from the article: “The requirements have triggered unease among some banks and regulators, which have warned that the range of assets that can be used to satisfy the LCR is too narrow and overly focused on government bonds.” The Basel committee had established that these banks needed to maintain at least 8% Tier 1 capital ratios, so everyday their capital gets naked-shorted to death. Anyone else see the uncontrolled death spiral here that the banks really have no control over? It appears that some across the pond are finally getting the message. Basel Group Weighs ‘Unintended Consequences’ of Liquidity Rules - Bloomberg
However, this ‘study group’ will never act quickly enough. By the time they get their act together WW3 will be well under way. I again say MY option is the easiest and the BEST: IMF & ECB does a force guarantee thru maturity of ALL government bonds at a 3.5% interest rate. This guarantee can be sold off to private companies once established. 1. Governments get immediate relief from ridiculously high interest payments. Extortion is more like it. Anyone over there ever hear of the Rico Laws? 2. Banks get immediate INCREASED capital value. As the interest on their bonds they hold goes down and the guarantee is assured… the value goes up. 3. Shorts get killed. · Win! · Win! · Win! Win! Win! Overly simplified? Fine—fix it… change it! Just do something constructive and with purpose! ______________________________________ (Continued on page 30) |