The Stock Room page 38 |
(Continued from page 37) Hey As a side note: EVERYONE should look into this ‘No Tax Increase Pledge’. Americans for Tax Reform :: What is the Taxpayer Protection Pledge? I really don’t think any of you truly understand how JUST 1 PERSON can have this much power & influence. Personally… I DON’T EITHER! This is one scary dude! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 07/22/2011 @07:30 am EST: On Greece—”Damn Am I Good!”
Does this last bailout plan for Greece not sound eerily similar to the 1 I proposed in my apppro’s take for 06/27/2011 @09:00 am EST: blog? <<I know I’m not an economics genius, but how about this: One of Greece’s BIGGEST issue is and will be the enormous interest payments the bond holders have extorted out of the Greeks. Some are as high as 15%. Anyone out there with a credit card paying off their bills using credit at that rate can easily empathize then with what Greece has to deal with. Why not have the IMF or the EU or private bond insurers guarantee ALL Greek bonds through maturity BUT the interest rate must be lowered to just above prime… say 2.5%. No lower rate—no guarantee! Also, no lower rate signifies that the bond holder goes to the top of the nonpayment default list. The Greeks get a much lower payment obligation and the bond prices should go up right away. Win… Win? Just try something constructive besides that ridiculous “Let It All Fail” insanity!>> Kiss… Kiss! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 07/21/2011 @07:00 pm EST: One Year Later
Dodd-Frank: Impact One Year Later
I think that anyone who really follows the new D-F law realizes that the only one that truly got helped was… NO ONE; and the only one that truly got screwed was… EVERYONE and that includes the banks. Look, we can go around in circles about what happened, who caused it, and why it happened; but in the end the real problem was a TOTAL DESTRUCTION AND LACK OF CONFIDENCE IN OUR FINANCIAL SYSTEMS AND THE GOVERNMENTS’ ABILITY TO FIX IT! The economy and nation survived the initial destruction of Bear Sterns, also the initial destruction of the mono-line insurers, also the initial destruction of Washington Mutual, but the nation and the world could not and would not have the confidence to save anything (except our own asses) after we allowed Lehman’s to go down. Whatever! Now we think that a few – hundred – laws will fix it. FORGETABOUTIT! You can’t fix human nature and emotions with all the laws in the universe. You destroy confidence; the only thing that will fix it is time. So after 1 year what has Dodd-Frank done? Well, not a whole hell of a lot to help, and in many cases a whole lot to make things worse. _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 07/20/2011 @05:30 pm EST: "Good Ridden’s to Bad Rubbish" Finally Mistress Elizabeth is leaving town, but like other funguses… I’m sure this one will return, too! Really Mistress, what would be so bad if that waste of money consumer(?) agency that lawyers set up was based in kind like almost every OTHER agency… with checks and balances? Oh yeah, then it would NOT have been made in YOUR image! Sieg Heil And good ridden’s! And on the other side of the insanity aisle, the House passes GOP 'Cut, Cap and Balance' bill | Come on people… just call this the “Cut the Crap Balance Bill” and stop wasting everyone’s time. _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 07/19/2011 @06:30 pm EST: Karate Kid What Market? Did an entire friendly alien civilization arrive on earth today bringing everlasting life and tranquility? Exactly what major, and I mean major event happened between yesterday morning and this afternoon to force everyone to go from Armageddon to Nirvana in just 48 hours? Dow Ind. Down 200 points yesterday intraday and then to close up 200 points today – talk about “wax on… wax off”! This insanity must stop! Whether the end result is way down or even way up, wild market gyrations like this are NOT HEALTHY! STOP THE INSANITY NOW! Revised Tax Rules: 1. Capital gains 5+ years* - 5% tax on capital gains 2. Capital gains 2 > 5 years* - 15% tax on capital gain 3. Capital gains 1 > 2 years* - 35% tax on capital gains 4. Capital gains 6 > 12 months - 45% tax on capital gains 5. Capital gains under <6 months - 55% tax on capital gains 6. Most critical of all — Institute a capital gains tax of 65% on ALL short sales not directly tied to a long buy by a regulated hedge fund. *Anyone whose main source of ‘income’ (retired persons excluded) that comes directly from capital gains, should be taxed at never less than the 1>2 year 35% rate—no matter what the cg term length. The 5 Golden Rules 1. Immediately, reinstate the Up-Tick Rule. 2. Crack down on naked short selling. Require stock certificate #'s when a short sale needs to be covered, including ETF’s. 3. Institute some rules on how the media ’reports’ news in order to prevent rumor-boarding. Not censorship… just sensibility & responsibility. 4. Pass a Wind-Fall Capital Gains Tax of 65% on ALL short sales not directly tied to a long buy by a regulated hedge fund! 5. Have ALL ETF’s trade on a 20-minute delayed basis. Get these instruments of mass destruction back to what they were supposed to do: mimic mutual funds. _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 07/19/2011 @10:30 am EST: “CNBS has Now Crossed the Line!”
I really don’t care whether you like Bank of America as a company or not! I really don’t care whether you like Bank of America as a stock or not! HOWEVER, none of you can and should condone the kind of hysteria, manipulative, biased, repulsive so-called reporting that a few jerks on CNBS committed this morning before the market opening! THEY ARE REPORTERS and should report the news. What went on today is a disgrace and MUST END! What were said by 2 people in this video are blatant attempts to create fear/volatility and the FCC & SEC should investigate it immediately!
Golden Rule #3 1. Immediately, reinstate the Up-Tick Rule. 2. Crack down on naked short selling. Require stock certificate #'s when a short sale needs to be covered, including ETF’s. 3. Institute some rules on how the media ’reports’ news in order to prevent rumor-boarding. Not censorship… just sensibility & responsibility. 4. Pass a Wind-Fall Capital Gains Tax of 65% on ALL short sales not directly tied to a long buy by a regulated hedge fund! 5. Have ALL ETF’s trade on a 20-minute delayed basis. Get these instruments of mass destruction back to what they were supposed to do: mimic mutual funds.
_______________________________________ apppro’s take for 07/18/2011 @05:00 pm EST: Came across this great site. Love their stuff even though I can’t get behind some of their positions; but as some say, “That’s what makes a market!” You all know how I feel that it’s manipulation and naked short selling that really makes this market. Anyway, read this great article:
What I really want you to pay extra close attention to is this article:
I totally agree – sort of! As you all know I think we just need the RIGHT TAXES applied and to the RIGHT PEOPLE! The guys at might get sick over this quote from Cramer on CNBS, but this time he’s right. _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 07/18/2011 @09:00 am EST: “Our Treasury Secretary Just Said WHAT?” Forget that ‘useless gold’ was just pushed over $1,600.00 by Jimmy Rogers and a few other Armageddon addicts; BUT what’s worse is that our own Treasury Secretary comes on CNBS and says that our banks are liars and we shouldn’t listen to them. Is this man nuts!
But before you listen to that entire interview, just think that anyone who can say that Mistress Elizabeth did an “…excellent job” cannot be trusted. But when he goes on to say that you cannot “trust” our banks… well that is just NOT acceptable! “My general advice is not listen to banks…” “My general advice is not listen to banks…” “My general advice is not listen to banks…” “My general advice is not listen to banks…” Insanity! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 07/17/2011 @05:00 pm EST: (Continued on page 39) |