The Stock Room page 50 |
(Continued from page 49)
IS HE KIDDING? Unfortunately not! Just a total disgrace! And exactly WHOM did Hamas call? Him? A phone booth in Tahrir Square? _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 02/08/2011 @ 07:30 am EST:
It appears that many are now coming around to what I called for to happen in Egypt almost 2 weeks ago: FOR SANITY TO RETURN! People are going back to work and most are seeing that short-term change and the chaos it would foster is NOT in anyone’s self-interest. The only people that seem to be now camping out in Tahrir Square are radicals, malcontents, escaped prisoners, and a few female protestors that are being forced by their radical husbands. People of Egypt: TIME TO GO BACK TO WORK! BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING is that OUR President seems to be coming to his senses and NOT calling for Mubarak to step aside right now, but rather to create stability and an atmosphere that can foster democracy and not a radical religious state. About time Mr. Obama! On our home front, President Obama is also finally seeing that bashing banks and businesses creates nothing but hatred and anxiety! He is now listening to me to establish confidence and trust, not angst and uncertainty! Has he been reading my blog? Now all he has to do is use MY principles and to: “STOP THE INSANITY NOW!” You also know how much I despise the new so-called ‘social networks’, but you also should remember the horrid company whose name I cannot mention. The twit’s that tweet may be bad, but this company has amassed way too much power and information. We are now learning that this very power was used to foment the hatred and unrest in Egypt! Great job guys! Idiots! SkyNet is truly born!
_______________________________________ apppro’s take for 02/06/2011 @ 08:30 am EST: Hope You’re All Happy Now!
Well, here we go: Egypt's regime makes new concessions to opposition | Egypt's Brotherhood to hold talks with government - Just great Hillary!
Iran Part Deux on its way! I really don’t want to see this sequel! Are you ALL out there that caught up with a few twits’ tweets NOT to see the damage being done? I’m sorry to repeat myself, but _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 02/05/2011 @ 09:30 am EST: I really don’t care anymore how liberal or how conservative, or how right-wing or how left-wing, or how long the market or how short the market, or even how smart or how stupid you may be, but THIS INSANE NEED for our individual ‘15-minutes’ and the use of the media to get it via Twitter or Facebook… WELL it all just needs to STOP! The ‘Justin Bieber Effect’ is really not the way to prosperity or peace! The carpenter sent me this quasi justification or irrational rational for those social network’s existence! Social Media as a Tool for Protest | STRATFOR Give me a break! Rationalize it all you want, there is still no justification for people to shoot others, short stocks, overthrow governments, or whatever the flavor of the moment is all through the use of these horrid forms of communication. We are allowing the dining room table to be taken over by SkyNet and if it hasn’t already become painfully obvious… this is killing us all. We are allowing the media to exploit this and then call it ‘freedom of speech’ or ‘democracy’! I call it lunacy and a shortcut to Judgment Day! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 02/04/2011 @ 09:30 am EST: We tried to fix a 30 year accumulating financial crisis is just a few weekends. We all know how that turned out! We have tried to force changes in a century’s old European society in just a few weekends! We all know how that almost turned out! We are now trying to force down a 7,000 year old culture a ‘tweeter’ inspired radicals’ change! We all better realize very quickly on how that WILL turn out!
Does NO ONE else see the insanity in OUR insistence of pushing the rest of World with the short-term mentality disease that most of us have been infected with? STOP THE INSANITY NOW! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 02/04/2011 @ 07:30 am EST: Iran Praises Egyptian Terrorists
Why the heck does OUR government so willingly want to give Al Qaeda and Iran the keys to the Egyptian vault? Why are we allowing a few biased reporters from NBC to dictate our International policies? What are we doing by abandoning our longtime allies in place of a few innocent, but ignorant ‘tweeters’ and a radical religious group? Even the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei of Iran just praised the terrorists in Cairo and called for the over-throw of the ENTIRE WESTERN WORLD!
WHAT IS WRONG WITH US ALL? __________________________________________________ apppro’s take for 02/02/2011 @ 07:30 am EST: The Egyptian military has NOW asked nicely (“You have to ask nicely!”) for ALL protestors to go home and go back to work, “We have heard your message!” BUT THE MULSIM BROTHERHOOD DOES NOT WANT TO LISTEN! They cannot gain control when there is peace and tranquility. Only when the VIX (volatility & angst) goes through the roof do they prosper. Sound familiar? And again I seem to find that certain reporters want to force upon us and upon the Egyptian people, an outcome that they do NOT want! Except for those fanatics looking for upheaval and destruction, that is! BUT the biggest question I have is: WHY hasn’t President Obama come out and said… OK, people of Egypt, Mubarak has said he will be gone by The September elections and has promised reform. The WORLD has heard it and will make sure he keeps his word and your liberties are defended. SO, PLEASE go home now and let’s get back to peace and rebuilding your great Nation. __________________________________________________ apppro’s take for 02/01/2011 @ 05.:00 pm EST: Time for a Breather! I just listened to the speech that Hosni Mubarak of Egypt gave to his people. Basically he said that he will be out of office and their lives in 8 months when there are elections in the fall, but until then all Egyptians, including himself must not allow a small group of radicals to destroy the country. He also indicated that reforms will be made and there will be an effort to accommodate the true democratic voices of his people. Sounded reasonable! He also indicated that those who are looking to destroy the nation through looting, burning, and violence should be stopped. Again, sounded reasonable! OK, fine – he has been a sucky president who many dislike and want out. I really can’t answer to that, though there has been 30 years of peace since he was in office. Can’t argue with that, either! NOW, it would be great if all those ‘tweeters’ tweeted tweets that say, “Let’s all take a time out!” The alternative to more riots and upheaval will not be good for any true Egyptian, but will only promote the radicals who want nothing but destruction through violent revolution. ALSO, what really needs to end is all the media self-interpretation and comments based on biased views of their own limited reality. This is an Egyptian problem, not CNN’s, CNBS’s, or even Al Jazeera’s. My prayers and thoughts to all! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 02/01/2011 @ 08:00 am EST: Kiss… Kiss with the Brotherhood? Is this National reporter kidding? _______________________________________ A MUST READ! January 31, 2011 4:00 A.M. Fear the Muslim Brotherhood “At the Daily Beast, Bruce Riedel has posted an essay called “Don’t fear Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood,” the classic, conventional-wisdom response to the crisis in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood is just fine, he’d have you believe, no need to worry. After all, the Brothers have even renounced violence! One might wonder how an organization can be thought to have renounced violence when it has inspired more jihadists than any other, and when its Palestinian branch, the Islamic Resistance Movement, is probably more familiar to you by the name Hamas — a terrorist organization committed by charter to the violent destruction of Israel. Indeed, in recent years, the Brotherhood (a.k.a., the Ikhwan) has enthusiastically praised jihad and even applauded — albeit in more muted tones — Osama bin Laden. None of that, though, is an obstacle for Mr. Riedel, a former CIA officer who is now a Brookings scholar and Obama administration national-security adviser. Following the template the progressive (and bipartisan) foreign-policy establishment has been sculpting for years, his “no worries” conclusion is woven from a laughably incomplete history of the Ikhwan.” The rest of this article is on Fear the Muslim Brotherhood - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online
PULL THE PLUG NOW! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 01/31/2011 @ 08:00 am EST:
Just like child molesters and cyber bullies, those innocent freedom protestors in Egypt DO NOT KNOW who is on the other end of that Tweet or text or social message.
The media should be screaming this instead of promoting it!
PULL THE DAMN PLUG NOW AND FOREVER! You want to talk, go to the dinner table and have a conversation with your family. _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 01/29/2011 @ 06:00 pm EST: The Shah Revisited OH what short memories we have! I don’t expect the idealistic youths that are tweeting their brains out calling for the overthrow of the only government they ever have known, to remember what happened to their counterparts in Iran at the time of the fall of the Shah; but I remember… do you? There too we had an uprising lead by college students looking for democracy and freedom. We all know how that turned out! Here too in Egypt we have the youth being manipulated in a Borg like state by a small group of ultra-radical Muslims (Continued on page 51) |