The Stock Room page 63
(Continued from page 62) 1. Capital gains 5+ years - 5% tax on capital gains 2. Capital gains 2 > 5 years - 18% tax on capital gain 3. Capital gains 1 > 2 years - 35% tax on capital gains 4. Capital gains 6 > 12 months - 45% tax on capital gains 5. Capital gains under <6 months - 55% tax on capital gains 6. Most critical of all — Institute a capital gains tax of 65% on ALL short sales not directly tied to a long buy by a regulated hedge fund.
The 4(5) Golden Rules 1. Immediately, reinstate the Up-Tick Rule. 2. Crack down on naked short selling. Require stock certificate #'s when a short sale needs to be covered, including ETF’s. 3. Institute some rules on how the media ’reports’ news in order to prevent rumor-boarding. Not censorship… just sensibility & responsibility. 4. Pass a Wind-Fall Capital Gains Tax of 65% on ALL short sales! NEW! 5. Have ALL ETF’s trade on a 20-minute delayed basis. Get these instruments of mass destruction back to what they were supposed to do: mimic mutual funds. _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 07/03/2010 @08:00 am EST: “It’s the Mentality Stupid” I’m sure you all remember the phrase “It’s the Economy Stupid”! It sort of applies now, but so many things have changed we really need to rename that. Yeah, we have a slow and stagnant economy – what the hell do you expect? We yanked / destroyed / eliminated / deleveraged / whatever trillions of $ out of the World’s economy in an extremely short period of time… EXTREMELY short! Then when we went to try and fix it, 50% of our Nation bitched about who caused it, while the other 50% bitched about who was not fixing it! I’ll be the first to acknowledge (read back you’ll see that I’m an equal opportunity complainer) that the Bush administration caused this through a horrid deregulation, laissez-faire agenda, but now the Obama administration is continuing the mess by regulating and bashing everything to death. BOTH ADMINSTRATIONS SUCK! There I said it, can we move on now? What we have is a total failure of confidence & trust. We allowed a few to rumor-board us all to death. Half are screaming that we must spend more, but are spending it the wrong way. The other half are screaming for us to spend less, but seem clueless to what the damage of ‘not getting involved’ would mean. Both sides are just at each other’s throats Our entire Nation has been split in 2 with negativity and uncertainty. Which causes which, is uncertain; but one thing is for sure – neither is necessary! Just stop the short-term mentality all across the spectrum. We ALL just need to step back and take a ‘Time Out’... stop whatever we are doing (FinReg, etc.). We all need to look long-term and stop what I have dubbed ‘The American Idol Syndrome’. Success rarely happens over night! It does for a few, but when most sit back and wait for it to happen, the machines stop working… the society dies!
“It’s the Mentality Stupid!” STOP THE INSANITY NOW! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 07/02/2010 @05:00 pm EST:
apppro’s take for 07/04/2009 @09:00 am EST: apppro’s take for 06/28/2008 @9:30 am EST: This weekend is also a big push for the release of the new Wall St. movie. They are playing the original one and everyone is trying to make all these similarities between then and now. Maybe some are right, BUT the biggest difference no one catches. Back then, the corporate raiders (CR’s) – the Gordon Gecko’s of the world were NOTHING like what we have now. Back then these CR’s used creative destruction to take down and then apart poor performing companies. They then either broke them up or sold them off, but in the end the result were a meaner, leaner, better run, and more profitable business. VERY painful for the stockholders and employees, but in the end everyone eventually was better off. Today we have something altogether different. Today the shorts take over and what is left is NOTHING! NADA! ZIP! SQUAT! These shorts don’t care what happens to the assets! They don’t care what happens to the people! They don’t care what happens to the company! As far as they’re concerned, once they cover their short positions… well nothing matters except the next victim. This is what we all have glorified and admired. A true disgrace of our National psyche! 4. Pass a Wind-Fall Capital Gains Tax of 65% on ALL short sales! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 06/30/2010 @07:00 pm EST: This email that I sent to the ENTIRE NBC Universal conglomerate pretty much sums it up for me. If any of you want to email them to let me know and I’ll send you my email list. <<Every word out of your mouths is TRADE and RISK! NEVER INVESTING AND BUILDING. You guys have turned this all into a gamble and casino with no regard to long-term thinking at all. IT'S ALL ABOUT NOW AND ME! And Maria it's NOT "That's what makes a market!" Does your station have any social conscious at all? STOP all the negativity! Besides when did REPORTERS opinion become the REAL NEWS and REALITY? Please post your PHD. on economics so we can all see it. It's another day when at 3:00 you come on and promote the negativity and the SELL OFF starts. Well in just 40 minutes we've gone AGAIN from slightly positive to DOWN 100 points. Coincidence this happens almost every day? I don't believe in coincidences. Deplorable! And just a disgrace! >> What is wrong with these people? I don’t understand their overwhelming NEED to destroy any hopes of a National recovery. Yes people, what these bobble-heads say does matter. It may not be right, it maybe innuendoes and rumors, it may be totally their own opinions (which they never say it is), but they spew their garbage minute after minute – hour after hour – day after day; and sooner or later all that water-boarding will break you. Fine, don’t listen! Great idea, but unfortunately too many will! Look, I’m all for freedom of the press; but rule # 3 of The Golden Rules that I proposed over 2 years ago has been complaining about this abusive press; but to no avail! Yesterday, even one of the great real estate investors of our time, Sam Zell, said point blank to Joe Kernan (towards the end of the video) that CNBC “reporters” (and I use that term loosely – more like gossip columnists) are WAY TOO NEGATIVE and there are none with any optimistic views! Isn’t a reporters’ job to just REPORT the news, not make it? Betting on Brazil Don’t pay attention to the title. Just listen to what he says to Joe. K near the end. _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 06/29/2010 @08:00 pm EST: What else does our President want? Can’t get blood from a stone you know, especially when that stone is being told not to do anything by regulators. J.P. Morgan Offers Small Businesses Rate Cuts If They Hire - I guess I need to keep reminding myself that Jim Chanos – one of the most horrid short sellers there is – is also one of the Prez’s closest, closet advisor. Say that real fast 3 times! STOP THE INSANITY NOW! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 06/29/2010 @08:00 am EST: This quote from this article says it all! Recovery likely slowed in June for U.S. automakers - MarketWatch
"The negative impact on consumer confidence caused by the volatility in the financial markets limited what otherwise would have been a more robust recovery so far this year,"'s Jesse Toprak said. "We were able to jumpstart the car, we just don't seem to be able to get it going over 25 mph." We are allowing a few to do this all to ourselves people! Those shorts and short-term traders/traitors will really be laughing their asses off at the rest of us in the Hamptons this July 4th! This is my new (reformulated) idea for fixing the mess: We ALL need to realize that being ‘Too big to Fail’ wasn't a curse but rather a blessing. We need to allow, no PROMOTE our so-called ‘too big to fail’ institutions to leverage their balance sheets to the hilt and to back that leverage with government guarantees. “Back to the Future” _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 06/26/2010 @09:30 am EST: Boy have we all screwed this up really bad! Well, let me refine that and say that we have allowed a few bond vigilantes and shorts to scare us to death, so that we are all screwing this up really bad! Canada wants G20 to set tough new fiscal targets | Reuters Our leaders are now up in Canada, arguing on how to get us out of this world-wide financial crisis. Try to remember that while Lehman’s might have triggered the final death throw, the withdrawal of that added liquidity $ (really phony SkyNet money) that Bush had injected in order to take our minds off the Iraqi War, was the cause. We then had Obama OK a Pelosi stimulus plan that stimulated nothing but a bunch of narcissistic, politicians’ egos. Boy, do we ALL elect a bunch of morons to govern us! This past week, we got FinReg that further hampers business and does NOT address ANY of the issues that created & caused our collective insanity. We are all still under the influence of Ronald Reagan’s ‘Trickle-down Economics’. Actually they should rename that ‘Piss All Over Everyone Economics’, because that was really the outcome. What our leaders SHOULD BE doing is stimulating us all to the hilt with whatever $ they can get their hands on, WHILE AT THE SAME TIME stopping all the destructive shorting and rumorboarding that keeps creating the angst and hatred. Get our/world economies moving before we cut back on anything! This country needs to take a step back, stop trying to become the next ‘American Idol’ and concentrate on long-term investing and building. Hey, how about a national directive to place a 100 persons colony on Mars by 2025. Yeah there might be a radiation issue that has not been solved yet, but if it was good enough for Arnold
Stimulate… Stimulate… Stimulate! Build… Build… Build! Drill… Drill… Drill! Jobs… Jobs… Jobs!
Side Note: And any of the plans for future colonization of the moon need to stop immediately. I for one don’t want to go outside on a beautiful, clear night… lookup and see _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 06/25/2010 @06:30 pm EST: I may make an additional blog over the weekend, but for now think about this:
FinReg is requiring banks to maintain higher capital ratios.
Higher Capital ratio means >> Lower lending means >> Less business spending means >> Lower economic activity means >> Lower job growth means >> We ALL get screwed!
Whose ass do you want to kick now?
_______________________________________ apppro’s take for 06/09/2010 @06:30 pm EST: Come on people… this is what it is has come down to?
We’re now listening to a guy who hasn’t been able to make a decent movie his entire career. Actually, maybe this is very apropos, because Congress is really like a “Field of Idiots”! Look, I’m not happy with the situation in the Gulf. Who in their right mind would be? I’m not thrilled with how anyone has handled, or not handled the disaster! IT SUCKS, plain and simple! But to parade some Hollywood morons in front of Washington morons, and then for us to even try to think that they may have a solution – OMG? Meanwhile, we are now promoting on national TV to openly destroy the European economy by shorting their currency, the Euro totally into oblivion. Bull Market or BS? Is this a bear market? Insight with Dennis Gartman, The Gartman Letter. Are we mad? How long before the entire European community says enough and cuts off all ties with us? It wasn’t bad enough that we allowed the U.S. based Pimco to destroy Greece’s bonds, which started this whole last round of insanity! What we should be doing is trying to stop all this horrid shorting of everything, but instead our media bashes it just like they did with today’s further attempt by Europe to stop it! FT Alphaville » Shuffling towards a Euro naked shorts ban Instead, we allow these short-term traders/traitors to short everything, and bash anyone that wants things to work and not to fail. Maybe we should have the President check into this so he can figure out “…who’s ass to kick!”, besides his own that is! 4. Pass a Wind-Fall Capital Gains Tax of 65% on ALL short sales! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 06/07/2010 @03:30 pm EST: (Continued on page 64) |