The Stock Room page 13 |
(Continued from page 12) 1979 or 2012? _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 09/11/2012 03:00 pm EST University of Bash & Blame Advanced Whistleblowing 101 Course syllabus: Semester 1 Here you will be taught the fine art of how to commit various frauds while you maintain impeccable yet highly secretive documentation. You will be instructed on how to word emails so as not to implicate yourself in any wrongdoing, while you intimate that something may be afoul. You will be given detailed scenarios on what illegal actions you can get away with, while you build a foundation for later incrimination of others. Semester 2 In the 2nd semester you will be taught on how to expose the fraud while trying to maintain some sense of innocence. You will be instructed on how to survive in minimum security prison just in case you do get convicted. Most importantly you will be given all the tools necessary on how to collect your 25% settlement from the “Whistleblower Law” that you so ingeniously were able to scam.
What is wrong with us all? Whistleblower in UBS tax case gets record $104 million - Yahoo! Finance This is wrong in just so many ways! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 09/08/2012 09:00 am EST HFT Stalkers Now I’ve seen everything. This all reminds me of the ending scenes of Matrix Revolutions where Neo joins with the Matrix Here what we seem to have is a trading platform that tracks the scum of the markets… HFT Algorithms to trade on algorithms! Does anyone even try to come up with anything that actually builds something and creates jobs outside of the Matrix? We are joining the evil in order to prosper from that evil? Doesn’t the law frown upon complicity? Are we all this sick of growth and prosperity? _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 09/06/2012 08:00 am EST Let’s Go Fishing with Elizabeth Warren! This has Mistress Elizabeth’s fishing stench ALL OVER IT! Just another disgrace of Obama’s “Nation of Bash & Blame”! Please take special note of WHERE this announcement was made. Just a disgrace!
There were 3 main things that you should get from this interview:
1. These State officials have NO idea of what Libor is and what, if any damage was done. 2. These State officials have NO/ZERO/ZIP information that ANY U.S. banks did anything wrong in the 1st place. 3. These State officials are probably being egged on by Elizabeth Warren and are on a politically based
President Clinton said last night that no one could fix the mess they were left with in 4 short years. That’s a fact Jack, especially when that person spends those 4 years bashing everything and everyone while they send out their minions to access blame & extort $$$! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 09/01/2012 09:00 am EST SEC Sanctioned HFT Flash Crash! Really that should read “Just ANOTHER SEC Sanctioned HFT Flash Crash!” All anyone could say yesterday was WTF! The instantaneous moment that Yes At least yesterday we got a few more to recognize the madness. “Computers scanning for key words.” But Bob you’re missing the real point! SkyNet doesn’t have to scan the document, HFT’s algorithms are using CNBC keywords and expressions and ‘tells’. You truly have turned OUR financial markets into a Vegas poker game. Truly “What have we learned?” All this time I thought I was just talking to the hand. I guess in reality I’ve just been talking to an empty chair, or in this case an empty throne. Full video from above: European Markets Close Higher _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 08/21/2012 06:00 pm EST Who is being led by who’s nose? VIX Volatility Index UNG Natural Gas ETF We’ve had this conversation before and we’ll probably have it again – that is until the SEC puts the ‘Uptick Rule’ back and STOPS those damn It is now more than ever imperative that we institute Golden Rules #2a & #5 immediately! When are we going to learn? ___________________________________ apppro’s take for 08/19/2012 08:00 pm EST ECB limits interest!
ECB May Set Yield Limits on Euro Sovereign Bonds, Spiegel Says- Bloomberg
Whoa! This sure sounds like another one of MY recommendations that I came up with in 2010 to fix the financial world.
To create stimulus & jobs without increasing the deficit: “Operation Direct Deposit” · Federal Reserve should SELL some ‘bloated Treasury’s’ and BUY State and local infrastructure bonds at a 2 for 1 to private sector ratio. · Treasury should sell some ‘useless gold’ and do the same. Restore some confidence & stop divisiveness: · Terminate all parts of FinReg and Obamacare that have not already been put into effect. What has been done is done, and the balance needs to be reworked or eliminated. Fix housing: DONE! Sort of. · Have ALL banks contribute to a (blackmail) fund of $20 to $30 billion – maybe base it on a % of TARP money’s they got – and this fund would be used to refinance, modify, whatever delinquent homeowners. AND ALL BANKS GET IMMUNITY FROM ANY AND ALL FURTHER CLAIMS OF ANY KIND! The insanity MUST END NOW! (Continued on page 14) |