The Stock Room page 14 |
(Continued from page 13) Fix Europe: FIXED ALSO NOW? · IMF & ECB does a force guarantee thru maturity of ALL government bonds at a 3.5% interest rate. This guarantee can be sold off to private companies once established. Guess we can cross off another one now! ___________________________________ apppro’s take for 08/18/2012 10:00 am EST Social Media + Social Conscience = Media’s TOTAL lack of Social Conscience! Before I can start I have to say 2 things so that you can appreciate where I am coming from. 1. The main video segment from CNBS that I wanted to use that epitomizes media abuse was never put up on their website. I realize that without it my comments lose a great deal of punch. 2. I do own very small amounts of the social media stocks mentioned, but the amounts are really meaningless.
I am sure many of you have been following the debacle of the once high flying ‘social media’ stock world. Look, I’m not even on Facebook and rarely if ever use my LinkedIn or Google+ accounts. Yeah I’m a big Twit, but here too I really think it’s more for personal venting than for long lasting benefits. Whether or not any or all of these companies exist 10 years from now is anyone’s guess; but that is not the point of today’s rant.
Question: When does the media stop from reporting the news and starts creating it?
Yesterday morning an anal_yst from a minor hedge fund/VC company came on the air with his latest ramblings about Groupon (GRPN). Groupon hits new low on Evercore downgrade, $3 price target Fine, whether I think he’s a total ass for what he thinks and said is not my issue. This is his job and he was just trying to express it. Actually, while I watched the interview yesterday morning with Mellissa Lee on CNBS, the anal_yst was doing his best to try and convey his ideas in a reasonable and logical manner. I don’t agree with him, but that’s my opinion. What was a total disgrace was how that dominatrix bound Mellissa Lee conducted the interview. I’m not sure why they think they have the right to express their opinions, but the reporters on CNBS have truly turned a once respected financial network into the TMZ of financial news. True disgrace! Over and over Lee kept pushing the anal_yst on whether Groupon was going bankrupt. She kept pushing him to agree with her and I paraphrase, “Yes, Groupon will run out of cash in the next 3 months and go out of business.” What is her problem? Besides from the fact that she is NOT an economist or anal_yst and JUST A REPORTER, does she not realize that there are people working at this company? Does she not realize that by screaming out her biased opinions through her bully pulpit – over and over and over and over again, she might just make it happen? Does she not realize that people depend on this company for sales and advertising? Does she not understand that there are HFT traders/traitors just waiting to push an algorithm button on almost anything they say? Does she not understand anything except for her own ratings and narcissistic ego? I really wish you had the video to watch so you could even slightly understand my outrage! These—any—of these companies are a place of another persons livelihood… just a small amount of forethought and caring is in order! Do none of them have any social or moral conscience? There is a greater good here – isn’t there? We all should try and figure out whether or not these so-called reporters have any financial stake in this. They are supposed to be unbiased, but as the judge in the Oracle / Google case asked, “Who really knows!” BUT whether or not they are honest, it still goes back to the fact that: These people are reporters and should report the damn news – not try to make it! What did Spock say on his 1st death bed? _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 08/10/2012 09:00 am EST The Goldilocks 2012 Election UGH, now what did Romney do? You all know that Obama is NOT my BFF, but there is no way I can vote for a person that is the Anti-Obama like Paul Ryan. He is just way too far right for me. What ever happened to reason and accountability? What ever happened to the middle? Now what are people like me to do? Voting for NONE OF THE ABOVE is like voting for the incumbent, and that is just unacceptable! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 08/08/2012 07:00 am EST First Amendment – Golden Rule #3 Well lookie here: Judge in Google, Oracle case seeks names of paid reporters, bloggers - Yahoo! Finance
It’s about damn time that EVERYONE wakes up and understands that our TMZ financial media no longer ‘reports’ the news, but has been ‘MAKING’ THE NEWS FOR YEARS. The 5 Golden Rules 3. Institute some rules on how the media ’reports’ news in order to prevent rumor-boarding. Not censorship… just sensibility & responsibility. Maybe now we’ll all wake up to the blatant rumormongering and manipulation that our so-called free media has been perpetrating on all of us. I’m proven right—AGAIN! Question: When does a Judge—ANY Judge question ALL those paid bloggers/spammers/Tweeters? When does the SEC do something about all the biased spam that moved from Yahoo message boards over to TwitterLand? Side note: Samsung should DEMAND that their Judge in the Apple case DO THE SAME DAMN THING!!!!! Samsung / Apple sue each other! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 08/04/2012 09:00 am EST SkyNet now made a Knight! No this isn’t some English honorary due to some Olympics victory or for even bringing us ‘Libor-schmibor’. This past week we had another one of Well, everyone guess what, we all have to go back to the same answer I keep giving for my macro question: “What have we learned?” AGAIN, the answer here too is NADA! SQUAT! ZERO! ZIP! NOT A DAMN THING! We had a thorough report on what caused SkyNet to go nuts back in 2010 and what I wrote then is exactly what we have now: apppro’s take for 10/01/2010 @ 06:00 pm EST: On the Flash Crash we basically got, “'What’chu talkin bout Willis?” type answer. The SEC said the markets were already fragile due to angst in Europe, and 1 very large trade got screwed up and this lead to the almost catastrophic failure of everything else. Think about that people! It’s like saying that because there MIGHT be a light rain coming and 1 person decides to get off the highway earlier than anticipated, so we get a 3,000 car pileup! Is the SEC kidding? Our entire financial system almost came crashing down because a few people were nervous over European rumorboarding and SkyNet didn’t know how to handle ONE hysterical trade? And did the SEC give any concrete solutions? What do you think? Now, some are calling for that delinquent and ‘Clueless in Seattle’ Shapiro to come home from vacation to help solve SkyNet’s latest HFT debacle - Knight Capital Trading Glitches Strike Wall Street | Fox Business Who cares! Ever since Christopher Cox did away with the uptick rule on July 6th, 2007 – we’ve had NOTHING but chaos. Think about it! Just ask Leon Cooperman Cooperman: Uptick Rule Would Halt HFT There is ONLY 1 way to end this and it ALL goes back to ‘It’s The Mentality Stupid!’ STOP all this SHORT-term thinking and trading and we cure not only this insane market, but we cure OUR National financial mess too! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 07/28/2012 09:00 am EST Hey Bernanke – WTF! America’s Got Talent – PERVERTED! It’s bad enough that we just paid someone $750,000 for not doing their job, but how about this latest National disgrace? Now because of a broken government and misguided Fed policy OUR citizens have been driven to the streets to sing and dance for their supper; or in this case levee! Iowa town makes web appeal for money to fix levee that saved it from flood | Fox News Hey Bernanke – WTF! Why don’t you just implement my ‘Operation Direct Deposit’ and let these people build (plus create jobs) their levee WITH SOME DIGNITY? _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 07/20/2012 05:00 pm EST LIBOR-Schmibor Fine, no matter how much I’ve screamed about how we are blowing this out of proportion, many seem to think I have no idea of reality. Maybe so, but how about if you listen to someone else. I’ve only featured above the Libor comments, but you really may want to go back and listen to the comments on FinReg as a whole. Cohen’s disdain for the Dickless Durbin Amendment was my favorite takeaway. Dodd-Frank Turns 2: Banking Any Safer? Fri. Jul. 20 2012 | 3:40 PM[06:53] _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 07/17/2012 8:30 am EST Obama quotes the Warren Manifesto? Back on 01/15/12 I quoted “There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there, good for you. But, I want to be clear: you moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory and hire someone to protect against this because of the work the rest of us did. Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea. God bless. Keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.” Yesterday Fox news quotes the Prez quoting the Warren Manifesto: “if you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.” “If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”
Somebody really needs to bring back _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 07/14/2012 11:30 am EST New Credit Card Fees at Checkout: Dick Durbin - Thanks again!
Paying with a credit card could cost you extra at the store | Deseret News Oh, happy… happy… joy… joy! Now we all get to pay Wal-Mart MORE friggen’ money so that they can bribe foreign officials. (Continued on page 15) |