The Stock Room page 17 |
(Continued from page 16) This all flows down form the top! Our “Nation of Bash & Blame!” was not created in a vacuum. Until we stop this class warfare and look towards LONG-term solutions and compromise: NOTHING WILL EVER CHANGE! Some 20 years later we all have to ask again, “Can’t we all just get along?” Instead of just a divided City at war with itself, this time what we will end up with is _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 04/24/2012 08:30 am EST The 2015 Fiscal Cliff Solution Now all we will hear for the next 9 months is how the market and economy will crash into chaos due to the expiring of all kinds of Bush era tax cuts on 12/31/2012. Most of the proposed tax increases are frightening – especially for the retirees of this nation. Talk about the calendar Mayan Prediction… maybe this is what they meant: Armageddon by way of extreme tax stupidity! This morning I even saw an interview on CNBS of one of the biggest market proponents who NOW is calling for Armageddon because of this tax debacle. (Not to mention that his comb-over has gotten worse!)
Come on guys… the solution is simple. We cannot allow this uncertainty or even the conversation of those eventual tax increases to occur for another five more minutes. We certainly DO NOT NEED ANOTHER SUMMER LIKE LAST YEAR! Now that was a real disgrace! Here is a simple, comprehensive, and bi-partisan approach to the issue. DAMN IT PEOPLE… ADOPT IT! EXTEND ALL taxes to 01/01/2015 with these MINOR changes: · Eliminate the payroll tax cut as of 12/30/2012. · Tweak the capital gains rules to simulate my “Stop the Insanity Now” tax plan. · Implement the “Sharon Stone Economic Plan” · And the Fed REALLY needs to think about my “Direct Deposit” program and start buying local infrastructure muni’s and stop buying “bloated treasury’s”! Simple and effective. By tweaking the current tax code with my plan, we make the Left happy because they get a quasi-Buffett Rule and we make the Right happy by reducing LONG-term capital gains rates to promote job growth. WIN WIN! This way we can gain some degree of certainty for the next 3 years and allow our economy and psyche to further heal. We can spend this election year deciding what we want to do in 2105 and then use the NEXT 3 years to fix our tax codes. I feel we can also add in the stipulation that in 2015 if NO bi-partisan compromise is achieved, we can implement the Simpson-Bowles solution. WIN WIN! In the 2012 elections vote for: _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 04/23/2012 02:30 pm EST The “Sharon Stone Economic Plan” All the way back in June of 2010 I put forth what I dubbed the ‘Sharon Stone Economic Plan’ - ‘SSEP’! Did anyone listen? Now it appears that at least Europe is getting the message. It wouldn’t be that hard (no pun intended) to implement either. All it would take is some will! Also back in September of 2011 I put forth several ways to get things moving forward, and I am proud to say that 1 was adopted to end the ‘robo-schmobo’ insanity. Maybe we can combine the rest with the ‘SSEP’ and see if we can fix this mess once and for all. To create stimulus & jobs without increasing the deficit: “Operation Direct Deposit” · Federal Reserve should SELL some ‘bloated Treasury’s’ and BUY State and local infrastructure bonds at a 2 for 1 to private sector ratio. · Treasury should sell some ‘useless gold’ and do the same. Restore some confidence & stop divisiveness: · Terminate all parts of FinReg and Obamacare that have not already been put into effect. What has been done is done, and the balance needs to be reworked or eliminated. Fix housing: DONE! Sort of. · Have ALL banks contribute to a (blackmail) fund of $20 to $30 billion – maybe base it on a % of TARP money’s they got – and this fund would be used to refinance, modify, whatever delinquent homeowners. AND ALL BANKS GET IMMUNITY FROM ANY AND ALL FURTHER CLAIMS OF ANY KIND! The insanity MUST END NOW! Fix Europe: · IMF & ECB does a force guarantee thru maturity of ALL government bonds at a 3.5% interest rate. This guarantee can be sold off to private companies once established. And lastly “The Sharon Stone Economic Plan”! Take any and ALL money’s saved/extracted/recovered/extorted from austerity and use it to:
Stimulate… Stimulate… Stimulate! Build… Build… Build! Drill… Drill… Drill! Jobs… Jobs… Jobs! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 04/19/2012 06:30 pm EST Turn! Turn! Turn! (to Everything There Is A Season) Let us please add: A time to go short, a time to go long. A time to trade, a time to invest. I pray it’s NOT too late! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 04/18/2012 01:30 pm EST “Doing the Pimco” a.k.a. ‘Spainacus’
Back in 2010 I warned all of you that Pimco was SHORTING the heck out of Greek bonds, while they were buying up the CDS insurance for those very same bonds. They made a fortune by destroying the bonds through relentless shorting and rumormongering, AND THEN made another fortune collecting the insurance payouts when the bonds eventually did default. These scam artists singlehandedly screwed over an entire Nation and then ALL the rest of Europe. Felt good didn’t it? Well now we have another (not new) face of evil to deal with. You all remember this guy? He was the one that basically singlehandedly destroyed OUR mortgage and housing markets through his various Abacus schemes. Billionaires Behaving Badly: John Paulson | Business News | We all know how that turned out, don’t we! Now this purveyor of destruction has taken a major page from “Pimco’s World Armageddon Playbook” and is deploying that bond shorting scheme to Spain >>> SPAINACUS! Paulson Said to Short Europe Bonds Amid Spain Concern - Bloomberg What really amazes is how the frig the Europeans let these jerks get away with this crap! Come on Europe – show some damn kahunas already! BUT what really pisses me off is that the media, mainly CNBS, keep promoting the crisis in Europe as if they deserved it. They mention this latest travesty, but NEVER call on anyone to STOP IT! Rather, they actually seem just want to further enable these hedgies with a pat on the back and a “Job well done!” too boot! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 04/15/2012 04:00 pm EST When The Insanity Returns? Exactly what happened at 3:45pm on Friday, more than the stupidity of prior trading, to have caused this? S&P Intraday Chart Now exactly which came first? VIX Intraday Chart (Continued on page 18) |