The Stock Room page 18 |
(Continued from page 17) It’s really hard to tell, but it really doesn’t matter; not really. The bigger question that needs to be asked is, “Was there some large event that spiked the VIX and caused the S&P to tank at 3:45, or vice versa?” You will search the news files and find that the answer is NO! NO catastrophic event occurred or even a major financial announcement was made, but rather someone or some group of someone’s decided that increasing the volatility through manipulation of the VIX’s WMD ETF’s would further tank the S&P creating a large option margin spread to go into the weekend with. WHAT ARE WE DOING PEOPLE! Why are we allowing these SHORT-term traders/traitors to kill our confidence and destroy our fragile recovery? _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 04/10/12 07:30 am EST The End of the “Karate Kid Market”? Has Cramer finally gotten religion and now is calling for what I’ve been screaming about for nearly 6 years? “STOP all the blasted trading and let’s ALL get back to LONG-term investing!”
Too bad that all he can come up with is another hype of the same handful of stocks, but at least he seems to understand the utter insanity of the ‘Trader/Traitor Decade’. Better late than never, I guess. Maybe not! Remember just a few short months ago he was calling for the end of the world thru his DEFCON 4 calls, only to immediately turn around for the same few months to sound the buy buy buy signal! What an ass! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 04/09/12 06:00 pm EST Natural Gas – Our solution?
The main premise of this article was to show how the media was killing our economy and our financial markets. Their biased interpretation with little to no regard for the actual facts is a disgrace. However, I wanted to put forth my energy plan 1st. EXPORT THE CRAP OUT OF NATURAL GAS! We have **itloads! Enough to fuel the world for over 100 years. It is so plentiful right now that we are burning it off because we have no where to store it. Obama has talked about our great energy resource, but he really has NO intention of harnessing it. He’s got Solyndra blindness and only makes one of his glamorous speeches to distract us from his true intent – a Carbon free economy! Nice dream, but it CAN’T HAPPEN; not in the foreseeable future that is, so what should we do? We should export it. Right now we can’t give it away at $2.00 all the while places like Japan is dying to buy it for $18.00. WOW – some profit! Here is the real kicker: Þ Institute a 10% EXPORT TAX to be paid by the buyer at the point of export. · Apply 8% DIRECTLY to paying down the deficit, ONLY. · Apply 2% to help fund our Superfunds Cleanup. · So that NG prices never go crazy, have that tax increase the higher NG gets. For example, if NG gets to $5.50 the tax increase to 20%, $7.50 the tax becomes 30%, ETC. Therefore the buyers wont’ want it and the prices will be held in check. Now back to what I wanted to say. Please listen to this video. You will see how the reporter assumes things not in evidence and then refuses to acknowledge his ignorance. NG causes earthquakes? Even after the scientist who is heading the study told the reporter that they DO NOT, the CNBC reporter just had to keep trying to prove that he was right. Stupidity, but how the media treats things like this is the real issue. Guilty before innocent? Sound familiar? Institute Golden Rule #3. Institute some rules on how the media ’reports’ news in order to prevent rumor-boarding. Not censorship… just sensibility & responsibility.
_______________________________________ apppro’s take for 04/07/12 05:30 pm EST “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”
Actually, like I have said in the past, the last part of that should now go, “Fool me 4 out of 6 times, shame on all of us!” April 2006 – 2007 April 2009 – 2010 April 2010 – 2011 April 2011 – 2012 Basically, over the past 6 years… we’ve gone NOWHERE except from 1 speculated bubble to another! SHAME ON ALL OF US! Growth and prosperity does not occur in a 6 or even 12 month period. The expression that “Rome was not built in a day.” applies even more today than ever. It is just NOT healthy for our economy… our Nation… our world as a whole to be repeatedly driving our markets up and then violently pushing them back down. Yes, I’m not for these swings in either direction. All this SHORT-term thinking and trading does is to envelope us all in a series of mood/market/economic swings which only enable the destructive forces that everyone should be fighting against. “IT’S THE MENTALITY STUPID!” This SHORT-term mentality does NOT create jobs. This SHORT-term mentality does NOT create prosperity. This SHORT-term mentality does NOT build bridges. This SHORT-term mentality creates NOTHING, but uncertainty, fear, and angst. It now appears that after a mediocre jobs report, we are about to embark on a 7th year of insanity. There are a multitude of platitudes and rationalizations that try to give these periodic sell-offs some sense of justification. You all know them, from “Sell in May…” to “seasonal conditions”, to “my dog ate the homework”; but please don’t make the mistake to think they have anything else to do with reality than enabling a few SHORT-term traders/traitors to willy-nilly trade our collective existence into the toilet. Whatever excuse you want to apply, just look into the nearest mirror. Denial is NOT a river we should be sailing down right now. Again, I say that if we are going to allow this destructive behavior to continue then at least TAX THE CRAP OUT OF IT and have it help pay for the damage! Someone said to me earlier today that it’s a matter of ‘personal responsibility’, and I couldn’t agree more. However, this notion of the greater good through individual actions ONLY works when everyone is playing by the same rules and with the same good intentions at heart. I repeat my question from almost 6 years ago: “SO, WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED?” It appears that come Monday morning the answer will be as it always has been: “SQUAT” “NADA” “ZIP” “ZERO” “NOT A DAMN THING!” _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 03/08/12 05:30 pm EST Where is the OUTRAGE? Everyone was sure quick to bitch when Bank of America wanted to recoup some income a few months back. Everyone was sure ready to condemn them over that, BUT what about this? BofA Whistleblower Says Bank Defrauded Federal Mortgage Program - Yahoo! Finance
Don’t get too excited, this ain’t what you think. Remember that $26,000,000,000.00 settlement the banks just gave to supposedly help home owners with their mortgages? Well, that settlement mainly came because of the media’s over hype of the ‘robo-schmobo’ signing issue. Fine that’s over and done with, BUT AGAIN… DON’T GET TOO EXCITED, THIS AIN’T WHAT YOU THINK! Now some jerk whistle-blowhard is claiming that he may or may not have witnessed some other wrongdoing and that was the reason the banks settled – not because of ‘robo-schmobo’. This guy is claiming that under that ridiculous “Whistle-Blower Act” he is entitled to 25% of that $26 Billion - $6,250,000,000.00! That’s right people… he wants HIS BAILOUT! Where is the OUTRAGE! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 03/06/12 07:30 am EST The VIX… the WMD based ETF! And if those aren’t enough, I have a few 4 letter words that might be far more suitable! For how long have I been screaming that the VIX based ETF’s are just a disaster waiting to happen. No matter how much I’ve screamed to everyone, including the SEC, no one has gotten the message: These ETF’s are just insanity that have no real value and are creating the angst & volatility – NOT tracking it!
Enough people! We all do not need to keep suffering irrational market swings just so that a few SHORT-term option traders can cover their ‘puts’ or ‘calls’ or asses! This seems especially true on a day when the markets are looking to tank for NO real reason… months of quietly going up erased in minutes! Does that make sense to any of you? _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 03/01/12 07:30 am EST Obama is killing retirees! AARP HELP!
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