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(Continued from page 22) with the obvious prodding of Mistress Elizabeth, has decided to screw any reasonable settlement and sue. This entire ‘robo-schmobo’ crapolla needs to end, but this AG is taking it one step past reasonable sanity and suing MERS (Mortgage Electronic Registration System, Inc.), also. What Annie Coakley will be calling into question is EVERY MORTGAGE EVER WRITTEN and by doing so with call into question EVERY PERSONS OWNERSHIP OF EVERY HOUSE ACROSS THE ENTIRE NATION! What is wrong with these people? Is Mistress Elizabeth’s Massachusetts Senate bid so damn important? _______________________________________ OPEN LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA from Leon Cooperman. For entire letter see Leon Cooperman: Open Letter to President Obama
Sounds like me doesn’t it? _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 11/16/11 @08:00 am EST: NEVER SATISFIED! Vermin are never satisfied with what is given them! History has shown over and over again, that when you give into people who are hell bent on your destruction that all you do is incentivize those very people into accelerating their destructive ways. Every time we give into the cries of SHORT SELLERS to deleverage or economize or whatever - they will always find another cause to scream about. George Soros or Jim Rogers or Pimco’s gang will just come up with another excuse to drive the European Union into the toilet and then the American Union and then wait for the nukes. Pay VERY close attention to the LAST paragraph and this quote: “Italy was being unduly punished by a shift in investors' focus from solvency to deleveraging.”
DJ Eni Chairman: Italy Is Not The Cause Of Global Risks-Report Wed Nov 16 03:46:57 2011 EST ROME (Dow Jones)--Italy's public finances are sustainable, and even current sovereign bond yields imply only EUR7 billion in extra financing costs through April, just 0.4% of gross domestic product, oil major Eni SpA (E) Chairman Giuseppe Recchi said Wednesday in a letter published in Corriere della Sera. "The accusation that Italy is the potential cause of a global economic collapse is being deliberately exaggerated by our rivals in the race to see who has their public finances most in order," Recchi wrote. The chairman of Italy's largest company noted that the amount of Italian government debt that needs refinancing from now through April is the same as two years ago, when the spread or interest-rate premium Italy paid over Germany was only 74 basis points. That spread is above 500 basis points now. A basis point is one-hundredth of a percentage point. Recchi, who until earlier this year ran General Electric Co's (GE) operations in southern Europe, said Italy was being unduly punished by a shift in investors' focus from "solvency to deleveraging," in which the ability to pay interest on debt was being crowded out by demands that debt be cut. _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 11/13/11 @08:00 pm EST: DAMN AM I GOOD!!!!!
_______________________________________ apppro’s take for 11-11-11 @06:00 pm EST: Did Senate staffers leak insider information to hedge funds to short Visa & MasterCard ahead of the secretive Durbin Amendment? The flavor of the moment is the book that Abramoff has published since he got out of jail. "Jack Abramoff, In New Book, Decries Endemic Corruption In Washington" Some are making a big deal over his contention that many in Congress were using their insider information to trade in the stock market.
Hey people where have you been? I wrote about this a year ago! Actually, EXACTLY 1-year ago! apppro’s take for 10/12/2010 @ 07:00 am EST: How can we expect our financial regulators respect and implement any rules to control the manipulation of our markets by short-term traders/traitors, WHEN the very people who they depend on to feed them PUBLIC issues ARE using every trick in the book to screw everyone over… AND LEGALLY, TOO! Lawmaker Vows to Outlaw Insider Trading on Capitol Hill - This is not a new issue! Hey, why don’t we all get a government job paid for with public money so that we all can use insider public information to trade in our public markets? MAJOR QUESTION: Has anyone checked to see which Congressional staffers that were directly involved with ObamaCare and FinReg, were using insider info to short the healthcare and financial stocks, respectively?? But now my “MAJOR QUESTION” becomes even MORE pertinent. Right after FinReg was approved by the Senate and the President signed it, we all found out about the Durbin Amendment and debit fees. You all may remember just how secretive this was. It was basically hand written into the legislation at the very last moment. Supposedly even Barney Frank, co-author of Dodd-Frank didn’t know about it till after it was fait accompli! Subsequently the credit card companies: Visa, MasterCard, American Express sold OFF drastically from the fear of what this bogus amendment might cause to earnings. Anyone who shorted these companies just prior to this secretive information became public made a fortune. Well, you do the math and ask who benefited? Naturally, the staffers to Durbin greatly benefited, but they are not prevented by law from trading on their own insider information. That’s right Stewie, they are allowed to do this. HOWEVER, I am sure that they are NOT allowed to call up hedge funds or retail lobbyists and tell them ahead of time, so that they could also trade on this information. Even this CNBS reporter says that it was being done. “There is an information chain!” NOW THAT HAS TO BE INSIDER TRADING & MUST BE ILLEGAL! WHY has no one at the SEC or the DOJ looked into any of the short sales of the above credit card companies just before Obama signed the FinReg travesty into law? JUST FOLLOW THE MONEY DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP THE INSANITY NOW! The 5 Golden Rules In the 2012 elections vote for: _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 11/05/2011 @09:00 am EST: Fringe - Obama’s Alternate Universe.
Am I missing something here? Obama Administration is “Prodding State Attorneys General” to Agree on a Foreclosure Settlement
But he has his Zucchini Park minions>>
Occupy Wall Street to March Against Foreclosure Fraud Settlement - FDL - Democratic Underground
Obama taking more steps on own to help businesses - Yahoo! News But he has his NLRB bureaucrats>> NLRB Sues Boeing; Seeks End to Commercial Jet Production in South Carolina
In State of the Union, Obama Pushes Projects to Stay Competitive - But he has his Energy Dept. give out misconceived loans>> White House to face subpoenas on Solyndra – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Obama's Renewed Call for Bipartisanship | Video - ABC News But there are too numerous to list stories on>> Is it just me, or is there a distinct pattern here? _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 11/03/2011 @05:00 pm EST: AGAIN I have to ask, “What have we learned?” · ‘Useless gold’ is still hovering near its high. · ‘Bloated treasury’s’ are also hovering near their high. · Oil is back near $95.00 on its way to $100! · Volatility has just come back off a high, but is still too intense. · Rumorboarding abounds! · Naked short selling flourishes! All in all, since the end of July we have gone to hell and back and then to hell again and then back and and and and and and…! So what have we learned and again I come up with the same answer I’ve been forced to give you for the past 3 years: “NOTHING! SQUAT! ZERO! ZIP! NADA! CRAPOLLA!” “IT’S THE MENTALITY STUPID!” and we are still being led by our xxxx’s towards Armageddon by a select group of SHORT-term/sighted hedge funds and SkyNet’s keyword inspired algorithms. There are still some out there that are screaming for sanity, but few are listening. Maria B. had a great interview with Mario Gabelli about living & investing for the LONG-term.
STOP THE INSANITY NOW! The 5 Golden Rules In the 2012 elections vote for: _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 11/02/2011 @09:00 am EST:
The main points that should be taken away are, “We never intended to raise these fees until Congress got involved.” OR “They need to be punished!” You tell me which is the more reasonable! A true snapshot into what is wrong with this country, our leadership, and many of us! _______________________________________ apppro’s take for 11/01/2011 @07:00 pm EST: (Continued on page 24) |