The Stock Room page 42 |
(Continued from page 41) The girlfriend even just asked whether Cramer was reading my blog, “That’s just so you!” Personally I rather call it, “Moe... Larry... the cheese!” STOP THE INSANITY NOW! Revised Tax Rules: 1. Capital gains 5+ years* - 5% tax on capital gains 2. Capital gains 2 > 5 years* - 15% tax on capital gain 3. Capital gains 1 > 2 years* - 35% tax on capital gains 4. Capital gains 6 > 12 months - 45% tax on capital gains 5. Capital gains under <6 months - 55% tax on capital gains 6. Most critical of all — Institute a capital gains tax of 65% on ALL short sales not directly tied to a long buy by a regulated hedge fund. *Anyone whose main source of ‘income’ (retired persons excluded) that comes directly from capital gains, should be taxed at never less than the 1>2 year 35% rate—no matter what the cg term length. The 5 Golden Rules 1. Immediately, reinstate the Up-Tick Rule. 2. Crack down on naked short selling. Require stock certificate #'s when a short sale needs to be covered, including ETF’s. 3. Institute some rules on how the media ’reports’ news in order to prevent rumor-boarding. Not censorship… just sensibility & responsibility. 4. Pass a Wind-Fall Capital Gains Tax of 65% on ALL short sales not directly tied to a long buy by a regulated hedge fund! 5. Have ALL ETF’s trade on a 20-minute delayed basis. Get these instruments of mass destruction back to what they were supposed to do: mimic mutual funds.
apppro’s take for 05/28/2011 @ 09:30 am EST:
“Steps to World War” Step 1 – February 18, 2011 Mubarak wasn’t out of office for more than 5 minutes when the Muslim Brotherhood called Ahmadinejad and said that: "Egypt to Let Iran Warships Transit Suez Canal on Way to Syria." This was just a direct spit in our face and a piss all over the Israeli/Egyptian Treaty. What did Obama do? Step 2 – May 28, 2011 Gaza Border With Egypt Opens After Four Years Amid Israel Security Concern - Bloomberg Let’s make it really easy for Hamas to get rockets and artillery! We wouldn’t want them to waste their talents digging any more tunnels. What did Obama do? ------------- Let’s now discuss something else closer to home: “The End To Robo-Schmobo?” One can only pray and hope! Banks May Negotiate Menu of Payment Options in State Foreclosure Agreement - Bloomberg That outrageous PowerPoint presentation by Mistress Elizabeth just may be history now. It appears that a more reasonable form of extortion to quasi benefit delinquent homeowners may be in the works. However, I still find any agreement that allowed people to buy something that they couldn’t afford in the 1st place >>> then not to make payments they really knew that they couldn’t pay >>> then to refuse to foreclose in a timely manner >>> then to blame their own poor financial behavior on a ridiculous SOP foreclosure requirement - SIGNATURES… an appropriate resolution; but anything that will put a reasonable end to this stupidity & insanity can only serve the nation as a whole. I’ve had enough of all the ridiculous bank bashing and morons like Cramer screaming that people should stop paying their mortgages to free up cash to spend on iPads. Here’s a novel thought: get Mistress Elizabeth to come up with one of her easier to read forms FOR FORECLSURES! Let her get those deadbeats out of those homes in a timely manner, so that the rest of us can move on! What really did amaze me about this HUGE news was that this story was put out early on Friday, BUT NO ONE SEEMED TO CARE! After months of media outrage and rumormongering, only 1 media outlet seemed to run 1 story on what should have been the news of the day. This nation is broken! ------------- Now one more thing really closer to home: “Sound Familiar?”
apppro’s take for 05/26/2011 @ 06:30 pm EST:
“She Did Lie!” Not exactly sure if she lied per se, BUT she sure did OVERSTEP her legitimate bounds! Right here in this interview from March 11, 2011
Someone please give me the exact date of when Mistress Elizabeth was put in charge of the D.O.J? Here’s a video of what happened on Wednesday at her BS Congressional hearing! _______________________________________
apppro’s take for 05/24/2011 @ 09:30 am EST:
Mistress Elizabeth
I don’t know how to scream any louder about this person! Maybe you’ll listen to someone else. No one person should be allowed so much uncontrolled power!
apppro’s take for 05/23/2011 @ 06:00 pm EST:
“The Karate Kid Syndrome”
Why have the markets become victim to ‘The Karate Kid Syndrome’, and exactly what is this disease? Well, it’s not because of something Ralph Macchio has done, but rather it’s a famous line form the 1st movie, “Wax on… wax off!” We’re not polishing our car, but rather I’m making a comparison to the insane: daily ‘risk on… risk off’ type of hedge fund trading that has engrossed our financial markets as of late. Things really don’t change this fast! For the most part baring a large, unexpected event – what a stock was worth at 10:00 am is about the same it should be worth at 10:30 am. There have become such violent daily swings and even intra-daily swings that only SkyNet can keep up, and for what reason? NONE! Well, not none actually – but rather the greed of a small group of hedge funds has totally taken over our lives. They blame it on whatever they feel will cause the greatest volatility in the market therefore increasing their profit. The reason really doesn’t matter or even to make any real sense as long as it sounds like a good enough reason to create fear & uncertainty. I’ve said this before, but it now has become so common place that even the experts are reaching their limits. God I hope that’s sooner rather than later!
Follow the money and again you will come up with the right answers! We are allowing a few hedge funds enabled by a moronic and myopic media to swing our emotions all over the place just so that they may interject into our markets volatility and uncertainty. Great for them… very bad for the rest of us! No true INVESTOR should be buying a stock one second and then selling it the next. No true INVESTOR should be putting risk on in one stock and then the next moment taking the risk off. This is not the neighborhood carwash and we are not some teenagers polishing our egos with wax on… wax off! STOP THE INSANITY NOW! And to those that keep saying, “Who cares, I have no money in this Ponzi scheme of a market!” Well, to that I again say that every time a CEO sees this market craziness another job is just not created or another person gets a pink slip or another factory is not built or or or or or or or or or or or or… ! _______________________________________
apppro’s take for 05/21/2011 @ 07:30 am EST:
”The Prince and The Paupers”
Natural gas extraction by countries in cubic meters per year.
Before I get to the Prince please note that today we, the United States paupers finally decided to become an energy EXPORTER! US approves first natural gas exports - Look, if we’re this stupid to ship overseas our abundant and cheap natural gas in lieu of buying expensive and radical Arab oil while our Prez throws our 1 and only ally over there—Israel under that ‘bus’… well, we get what we deserve I guess!
Saudi Arabia Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal al Saud
“Oil should be between $70 and $80 a barrel, and most importantly that there is plenty of it!” But what I found extremely interesting was that even the Prince started to acknowledge the entire financial crisis was ‘CREATED’ by a total lack of regulations and traders/traitors gone wild. He seemed to totally reinforce my contentions all along, and blamed most of the crisis on poor oversight and deregulation. “The laissez-faire, under-regulation attitude caused this!” He did not get the chance to say what really ‘CAUSED’ the crisis as I have explained in the past. The producers were too busy screaming in Joe Kernan’s ear to stop any talk about personal responsibility and poor SEC actions and CNBS’s role in bringing our financial system down. See apppro’s take for 09/16/2009 @9:00 am EST: For ‘CREATED’ & ‘CAUSED’ _______________________________________
apppro’s take for 05/20/2011 @ 07:30 am EST:
“I Really Have to Wonder!” Not really! Obama's Mideast speech: Punishment and praise - CBS News (Continued on page 43) |